Director's vision

What is the director’s Vision?

Director’s vision is the way the director sees the film in his mind and translate it to his film crew. What’s important to know about it is that anyone had a vision, the challenge is to explain it to your crew.  Having a vision is a must for every director in any type of film. It’s all about seeing the movie in your head. The director’s vision statement is where the director clarifies his vision in words. A director is a form of a movie creative supervisor, the director’s vision statement is his leading tool of every production. 

A film director’s vision is important because it helps to guide the creative direction of the film and ensure that it reflects the director’s artistic vision. The director’s vision helps to shape the look, feel, and overall tone of the film, and it helps to ensure that all of the elements of the production, such as the cinematography, acting, and music, work together to create a cohesive whole. A director’s vision is also important in helping to communicate the director’s ideas and intentions to the rest of the film crew so that everyone is working towards the same goal. Ultimately, a director’s vision is what gives a film its unique style and personality, and it is an essential element of successful filmmaking.

How to Write a Director’s Statement?

There are 2 steps to take before working on your director vision statement:

  • The first time the director reads the script is an important first step to create a vision. When reading, you should notice what kind of images are appearing in your head while reading. Pay attention to sounds, locations, and emotions that are popping in your head.
  • Watching different movies, paintings, reading some books and listen to music or everything you think will inspire you about this story is also important to understand your vision.  Do it with artists and arts you really connect to and not just the important ones. Try to see what it is about them that connects you.

A good director’s vision statement will contain:

  • The director’s passion for the film
  • The feeling the director wants the audience to feel when they watch the movie
  • The style he wants for the film
  • The style of the acting, of the editing, the music….

When you write your vision you need to explain why you chose to do that film and what is it you want the viewer to feel while watching your movie. It will also have an impact if you’ll write the story behind the creation of this film including your inspiration for it.  Anyway, before you write your vision, it is recommended to check some director’s vision statement examples. There are millions on the

Find your film director’s vision through the movie’s theme

The film director has to be an expert on portraying a message. The first step should be to understand your theme or the premise. The theme of the movie is what this movie all about in one or two sentences. It is the premise of the film. For example, the movie Back to the Future is dealing with changing your future, but it is not the central theme of the film. It is not the subtext of the film. The subtext in the movie is “true love is stronger than love out of mercy.” In Little Shop of horror, the story is about a deranged and murderous plant, but the subtext of the story (The theme) is about capitalism in the modern world.

“The reason it’s important to have this (the theme) is that most of the time what a director really does is make decisions. All-day long: Do you want it to be long hair or short hair Do you want a dress or pants? Do you want a beard or no beard? There are many times when you don’t know the answer. Knowing what the theme always helps you. “ Francis Ford Coppola

So this is what you’re probably asking now:

How to understand your theme and vision?

If you’ve read the article, Before You Choose Any Film School, you already know that you are in the movie business, because you have something to say. The director’s vision is a political argument or a philosophical idea that reflects the personal point of view of the director. The director’s point of view is something no one can copy, and you also cannot be copied from elsewhere.

So how do you find your vision?

  1. When the director reads the script for the first time, he should write the thoughts that pop into your head while reading. The director can write them on the script. Write everything you feel about each scene.
  2. The director’s next job is to understand why he loves the script. It is usually the main character that attracts directors. As a director, you must decide what is you want to focus on the plot or the characters. 
  3. Think about the values in the script. Are there any values you identify with? Go through the film’s script and check the values you most define with. Some directors write the biography of each character. It helps them to understand the character motive and its nature and basically what it represents in the film.
  4. Go through each scene and see what the subtext of each one of them is. Write them down next to the scene title.
  5. Eventually, understand what you want to achieve from the viewer. Do you want his love (like comedies usually), or you rather impress the audience with a complex story.

If you want to deepen your knowledge on the subject, there are two books that are recommended reading. The first one is Master Shots Vol 3: The Director’s Vision: 100 Setups, Scenes and Moves for Your Breakthrough Movie. This book reveals the secrets and techniques behind each one of the best shots, moves, and set-ups in the filmmaking industry. Every film school needs to teach it – Simply go out and practice each shot you read about. This book will also help you later on when you’ll need a creative boost. The second book called  The Director’s Vision: A Concise Guide to the Art of 250 Great Filmmakers. The book contains 250 examples from the best Hollywood movies for using the director’s vision through visual style

Pro tip: The important elements to pay attention to when you work on your theme throughout the film are the moral of the story, the smaller themes in the script and the subtext throughout the script


Why Your producer Needs a Director’s Vision?

This is the most important lesson in this free film direction course. Why? Well, The first thing you need to understand about your director’s vision statement is that it will help you get funded. When you pitch your passion, funders will be attracted to you. The director’s vision is always on the movie’s business plan. This is your chance to explain your inspiration for the film and the story of how it became what it is now. The director’s vision statement will also help you in film festivals as it will help the judges to understand the film better and not guess what it is about. I have a friend that works in a bog film festival, and he always tells me he is amazed as to how many directors leave out the director’s vision statement in the film package, so this is your chance to stand out! But even more important is that once the director knows his director’s vision statement thoroughly, he can translate the script into visual shots inside the shooting script, the art, the costumes, and more. The director’s view must be in the director’s thoughts during the process. The director’s vision will be expressed through the style of the film, the visual look, the editing, the sound design, and the music.

Sticking up to your vision

It is very important that once you find your vision, you’ll stick to it. Sometimes you might find a lot of pressure to change things in a way that’s against your vision (usually from the production company), you have to make the decision of how much you want to sell from yourself, in order to make that film. Here is  to sum it up:

“Trust yourself so that the mistakes you make are the ones you’ve made and not something you’ve made because you were afraid to do what you wanted to do. Own your mistakes, then you can own your successes. Try to be as good a listener as you are a speaker. Don’t just put the emphasis on saying things. Listen!” Jennifer Lynch